Rossetto Jolly P2 Armchair

18,800 ден

  • ЕУР: 300.80 €

Armchair made of steel framework, entirely molded with cold-cure polyurethane and polished chrome metal base. Upholstered seat and back in textile or eco leather.
Note: Way more textiles and colors available at our showroom.

Rossetto Jolly P2 Armchair


Посетителот стол со четири блек метал нозе, тапациран седиште и назад во текстилната или еко-кожа, боја по избор од Салон 29 каталог.
Дополнителни информации



Dubai 01 Ivory


Dubai 02 Beige


Dubai 03 Stone


Dubai 04 Taupe


Dubai 05 Choco


Dubai 06 Brown


Dubai 07 Yellow


Dubai 08 Green


Dubai 09 Skyblue


Dubai 10 Blue


Dubai 11 Red


Dubai 12 Violet


Dubai 13 Elephant


Dubai 14 Grey


Dubai 15 Anthracite

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За Rossetto
F.lli Rossetto

Our customers are chairs, armchairs, sofas and accessories manufacturers of the furniture (contract, office, home and communities), medical, naval, lighting sectors. Among our best accounts we can include the most renowned companies of the furniture industry like Tonon & C., Poltrona Frau, Moroso, Siltalnd, Segis, Calligaris, Gruppo Sintesi, Bonaldo, Arper, Casprini, Plank, De Padova, Poliform, Domitalia, Doimo, Boss Design, Allermuir, Senator, Züco, Walter Knoll, Jori, Ligne Roset.

Starting from a 3D file or a physical sample, we make the solid pattern (model) and the mould, we design the inner armature (if necessary) and mould it over with the most suitable polyurethane system. In order to meet the more and more challenging requirements of the market, we offer seven different polyurethane systems.

Rossetto Amy Armchair

13,420 ден
  • ЕУР: 214.72 €
Избери опции This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Rossetto Amy Open Armchair

14,420 ден
  • ЕУР: 230.72 €
Избери опции This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Rossetto Tula P2 Armchair

16,590 ден
  • ЕУР: 265.44 €
Избери опции This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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